STARRY2023年9月封面人物-Build - Starrymagazine星光画报

STARRY September 2023 cover character-Build

"STARRY MAGAZINE" September 2023 cover story

Cover Character: Build

Theme: The Journey of Self-Discovery: Build’s Emotional Blockbuster

Opening message

In this hot September, our "STARRY MAGAZINE" welcomes Thai film and television star Build as this month's cover character. This special issue will give you an in-depth understanding of Build’s inner world, explore his self, and how he fills his dreams and future with art and life.

story chapter

Build, an artist who shines brightly on the screen, his life is like a wonderful book. In our exclusive interview, Build shared how he opened the book of life and used night fire and aurora as pens to record his past, present and future.

Emotional exploration in art

Our photography team captured every moment of Build’s artistic creation, and each photo is a recreation of his most unforgettable memories from the past. A confused phantom in the darkness, he bravely shows us his soul and inner exploration.

Build in life

In addition to art, Build also shared his daily life, from choosing outfits according to his lucky colors every day, to the joys of cooking at home, to interesting stories with his new member Omen and other cats.

Vibrant dance

Finally, we also prepared a dance clip of Build. His dance is not only full of energy, but also part of his emotional expression, bringing unlimited joy and energy to the audience.


In this September special issue of "STARRY MAGAZINE", we invite you to follow Build and embark on this journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration. Let us feel his emotional world together and experience how he continues to grow and progress in life and art.

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